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Beware of strangers bearing iPods (part I)

25 June 2005

iPods are the latest threat to company secrets, as they make the ideal tool with which to steal information. Now such thefts have a name, "pod-slurping", and New Scientist has learned exactly how it can be done.

In July 2004, US-based analyst firm Gartner warned that MP3 players, with their ample storage capacities, could easily be plugged into computers and used to download files. Now Abe Usher of security consultancy Sharp Ideas in Centreville, Virginia, has shown just how easy it is to pod-slurp, as he calls it, with a proof-of-concept program called slurp.exe. Once an iPod is plugged into a computer, slurp.exe takes just 65 seconds to rifle through its hard drive, home in on all Excel, pdf and Word files, and copy them to the iPod hard drive, says Usher, who released a non-working version of the program on the web last week.

iPod back-ups (part II)

16 July 2005

Syd Curtis Hawthorne, Queensland, Australia

Can't we turn this to positive use? It seems to offer a safe and very fast back-up. Spend 65 seconds a day copying all your files - ideally onto two iPods alternately - and you can keep all your data separate from your main computer and thus absolutely immune to hackers and other disasters.

Choose the correct alternative:

1. According to the text, the term "pod-slurping" is related to:

a) storing information in computers.

b) robbing people of their iPods.

c) plugging new kinds of devices into computers.

d) deleting important programs.

e) stealing companies' data which are stored in computers.


1. De acordo com o texto, o termo "pod-slurping" está relacionado a:

e)roubar informações das empresas que estão armazenadas em computadores.

Lê-se no seguinte trecho: "iPods are the latest threat to company secrets, as they make the ideal tool with which to steal information. Now such thefts have a name, "pod-slurping"..."

2. The sentence "Once an iPod is plugged into a computer..."could be rewritten as:

a) Once people plugged an iPod into a computer.

b) Once someone plugs an iPod into a computer.

c) Once people had plugged an iPod into a computer.

d) Once someone plug an iPod into a computer.

e) Once you are plugged an iPod into a computer.


2. A sentença está na Voz Passiva e o aluno deveria passá-la para a Voz Ativa, lembrando-se de verificar o tempo verbal do To Be (que no caso está no simple present ‘is') para definir o tempo verbal do verbo principal (‘plugs' porque o sujeito é someone)

3. We can infer from the text that:

a) both MP3 players and iPods can pose a menace to confidential files.

b) the sort of MP3 players and iPods quoted in the text are not easily purchased.

c) in order to steal someone's information you have to buy a software called slurp.exe.

d) it takes less than a minute to pod-slurp all filed information.

e) there is a working version of slurp.exe available on the web.


3. Podemos inferir do texto que:

a) tanto MP3 players quanto iPods podem representar uma ameaça para arquivos confidenciais.

Podemos inferir a partir do seguinte trecho: "...warned that MP3 players, with their ample storage capacities, could easily be plugged into computers and used to download files. Now Abe Usher of security consultancy Sharp Ideas in Centreville, Virginia, has shown just how easy it is to pod-slurp, as he calls it, with a proof-of-concept program called slurp.exe. Once an iPod is plugged into a computer, slurp.exe takes just 65 seconds to rifle through its hard drive..."

4. After reading part I and part II, we can say that all the alternatives are correct, except:

a) New Scientist has found out how iPods can be used for evil purposes.

b) Syd Curtis sees iPods as safe storage devices.

c) Although recently viewed as a menace, iPods could eventually have a positive use.

d) Syd Curtis is questioning Abe Usher's opinion since he cannot prove what he has said.

e) One can infer that it takes longer than 65 seconds for people to make a back-up of all their files in the traditional way.


4. Depois de ler a parte I e a parte II, podemos dizer que todas as alternativas estão corretas, exceto:

d) Syd Curtis está questionando a opinião de Abe Usher visto que ele não pode provar o que disse.

Isso não é verdadeiro porque no trecho: "Abe Usher of security consultancy Sharp Ideas in Centreville, Virginia, has shown just how easy it is to pod-slurp, as he calls it, with a proof-of-concept program called slurp.exe", temos Abe Usher provando o que havia alegado.

Women's Brains Get a Boost

A new book explains how, and why, the female mind differs from the male-and why it matters

Aug. 30, 2005 - In her new book, "The New Feminine Brain: How Women Can Develop Their Inner Strengths, Genius, and Intuition," published this month by Free Press, Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz reveals how the female brain has changed both physically and functionally during the past century as women have assumed more traditionally masculine roles. While their brains have adapted to the changes, Schulz says the stress of dealing with the demands has also made today's women more prone to problems with depression, anxiety, and moodiness than their grandmothers were (and definitely more than their male counterparts are today). A board-certified psychiatrist with a doctorate in behavioral neuroscience, Schulz draws from her research, her patients and her own experiences to demonstrate how women can manage their mood swings, and take advantage of their natural strengths and intuition, to lower their stress levels and improve their quality of life.

5. Dr. Mona Lisa states that

a) originally men's and women's brains were alike.

b) in terms of structure women's brains cannot be changed.

c) In the last 100 years there have been changes in the way women's brains are and operate.

d) Changes in women's social roles have brought some disadvantages concerning sexuality.

e) Modern life may put women's future generations in peril.


5. A doutora Mona Lisa afirma que:

c) nos últimos 100 anos houve mudanças na maneira do cérebro das mulheres ser e operar.

Lê-se em: "...the female brain has changed both physically and functionally during the past century as women have assumed more traditionally masculine roles."

6. The book "The New Feminine Brain: How Women Can

Develop Their Inner Strengths, Genius, and Intuition"

a) aims to discuss women's ambitions today.

b) reports psychiatric patients' lives.

c) portrays Dr. Mona Lisa's personal experiences only.

d) explains the difference between men's and women's minds and its relevance.

e) Is actually Dr. Schulz's doctorate thesis.


6. O livro "O novo cérebro feminino: como as mulheres podem desenvolver sua força interior, sabedoria e intuição"

d) explica a diferença entre os cérebros feminino e masculino e sua relevância.

Lê-se em: "A new book explains how, and why, the female mind differs from the male—and why it matters."

7. According to the text:

a) Nowadays the likelihood of a woman being depressed is higher when compared to a man.

b) Today's women are less likely to be anxious or temperamental when compared to their ancestors.

c) A century ago women's minds were just like they are today.

d) Having assumed male roles, women now have to face prejudice.

e) The search for equality is hazardous to women.


7. De acordo com o texto:

a) Hoje em dia a probabilidade de uma mulher ficar deprimida é maior quando comparada com um homem.

Lê-se em: "...the demands has also made today's women more prone to problems with depression, anxiety, and moodiness than their grandmothers were (and definitely more than their male counterparts are today)."

8. We can say that:

a) Dr. Mona Lisa's research demonstrates women cannot deal with their natural strengths.

b) Depression, anxiety and moodiness are exclusively women's problems.

c) Dr. Mona Lisa believes men are more intuitive than women.

d) In her book Dr. Mona Lisa shows how women can enhance their quality of life.

e) Dr. Mona Lisa demands women to play more masculine roles in society.


8. Podemos dizer que:

d) em seu livro, a Dra. Mona Lisa mostra como as mulheres podem melhorar sua qualidade de vida.

Lê-se em: " women can manage their mood swings, and take advantage of their natural strengths and intuition, to lower their stress levels and improve their quality of life."


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