Curriculum Vitae

Experienced professional, omnivore, fluent in the dialects of violence

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Graduated from a military academy. He revealed that he was a former fan of sex with animals, because "at that time one didn't have a woman like one has today". He showed interest in consuming human flesh, suggesting that he "would eat an Indian without any problem". In an episode with "beautiful, tidy 14-year-old girls" he said "a tension emerged". He often says "my sentences were distorted", "I was kidding", "a narrative". It's his verbal reflex.

He declared that he had tried to abort his fourth child. But he still maintains that he fights against such practices. Discreet, he prefers secrecy for family matters and his corporate card. He's already planned a bomb attack. He was once imprisoned.

The president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro - Evaristo Sá/AFP

Knowledgeable in micro-corruption, he knows how to expropriate an employee's salary and overcharge gasoline expenses. Knowledgeable in macro-corruption, he buys political support with untraceable public money. He orders deforestation. He cuts school food, he cuts medicine assistance for the poor. He cuts the future.

A homeowner, he uses housing allowance to "eat people" (eat in a figurative sense, not the cannibalistic one). He bought 51 properties with cash.

He hates the poor: "the poor don't know how to do anything, the poor don't know how to handle money, the poor have only one use in this country: to vote with a diploma of stupidity." He tried to make it difficult to transport poor people on election day.

He dislikes blacks: "The lightest Afro-descendant there weighed seven "arrobas" (animal weight unit). They don't do anything." "I would not be operated on by a doctor who benefitted from quotas". A revisionist historian, he explains that "it was the blacks who delivered the slaves".

Endowed with a certain hatred for northeasterners (nordestinos): "It just needs to slightly grow the head." "Among the governors of 'Paraíba', the worst is that of Maranhão." He attributed his electoral defeat in the region to the lack of culture and illiteracy of northeasterners.

He's frightened by the feminine: "women should earn less because they get pregnant". An unusual mind, he links rape to merit: "I don't rape you because you don't deserve it". Brazil, for him, is "a virgin that every pervert from outside wants". But "whoever wants to come have sex with a woman, feel free".

Insecure about his sexuality, he often asserts his sexual potency. He's not a "sissy" (marica), he says, but he's fascinated by homosexuality: "the kid, he starts to get a little gay,

you beat him and he gets better"; "I would be incapable of loving a homosexual child"; "I prefer him dead". In his worldview, "minorities should fit in or disappear." Rights must be "torn up and thrown in the latrine".

He longed for indigenous extermination: "The Brazilian cavalry was incompetent. Competent, indeed, was the North American cavalry, which decimated its Indians."

He doesn't believe the facts of racism, homophobia, hunger and child death by Covid. In the pandemic, he fought for agglomeration without a mask and delayed vaccine purchase. Signature deaths. "I got a little crazy (Dei uma aloprada)."

Among his expressive talents, he imitates people dying without air (air he withheld in Manaus). He pushes ineffective medicine produced by the Armed Forces. He did not visit hospitals, but incited invasion of ICUs. He welcomes viruses. "My specialty is killing." "I'm not a gravedigger".

He has the willpower to take a vacation and ride a jet-ski at the height of the pandemic. He has determination to work little. He has purpose to outsource responsibilities. "It's not my fault." He has the freedom to disobey the law. "So what?"

A fan of Nazi phraseology, he drew slogans for the country: "Brazil above all" ("Deutschland über alles"); "One nation, one people, one leader" ("Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer"); "Work sets you free" ("Arbeit macht frei", from Auschwitz). He drinks milk at public appearances, in the tradition of white supremacism. "You are the reason my mandate exists," he wrote to neo-Nazis.

A frequenter of Masonic lodges, he claimed that he only goes there to ask for a vote. "I don't do miracles". He made the Queen of England's funeral an act of campaign. And the UN General Assembly. And the Círio of Nazareth ceremony. And in the Sanctuary of Aparecida do Norte, he attacked the bishop and Catholics in general. A peculiar Christian.

Letters of recommendation can be requested from former actor Guilherme de Pádua (killer of actress Daniela Perez), former goalkeeper Bruno (who ordered to kill his girlfriend), former advisor Queiroz (a well-known "miliciano") and former friend Adriano (miliciano and hitman).

Fluent in military underground dialects, he rejoices in the verb "to shoot" and the expression "end of the beach", a place where military officials dumped bodies. It's his mythical past.

His bedside book was written by a man who tortured naked and disfigured mothers in front of their children. The torturer asserted: "I acted with a clear conscience. I never concealed a corpse." It is said that the phrase that best defines him was uttered by a French thinker: "His

children and his good friends constitute for him the totality of the human species" (Tocqueville, 1835).

Conrado Hübner Mendes

Professor de direito constitucional da USP e colunista da Folha