Senate Approves Decree that Reduces Number of Ministries and Takes COAF from Moro

Senate follows congressional decision and weakens minister of Justice


At the request of president Jair Bolsonaro (PSL), the Senate approved this Tuesday (28), in a symbolic vote, a Congress-approved version of a provisional measure that will reduce the number of ministries and change the structure of the Ministry of Justice. The Control Council of Financial Activities will no longer be housed within the Ministry of Justice, therefore, weakening the power of its head—Sergio Moro. 

The approval happened after Bolsonaro appealed to the senators by sending them a letter to approve the proposal, which will move the intelligence organ to the Ministry of Economy. 

The president feared that the provisional measure would expire, invalidating a reduction in ministers from 29 to 22. 

The President of the Senate, Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), converses with senator Alvaro Dias (PODEMOS-PR). (Foto: Pedro Ladeira/Folhapress, PODER) - Folhapress

The government administration found it reign in PSL senators, who wanted to change the text to support Moro's claim that he considers the COAF strategic in the fight against corruption.

If the provisional measure were to change, however, it would have to go back to the House, putting at risk even the full version of the MP, such as the downsizing of folders - since it would lose its validity on June 3.

In the Senate, 29 of the 78 senators present (out of a total of 81 in office) voted to transfer COAF to Moro's portfolio.

Senators who support Moro attributed the defeat of the minister to Bolsonaro. With an eye on social networks, whoever changed his position went to the microphone to justify himself.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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