Police Team Protecting Lula Mentions radicalized Opponents and Requests Support

Delegates send request for support to superintendencies and list episodes of violence

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The Federal Police team that takes care of the security of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) has sent a letter to the regional superintendencies of the agency with a list of what they call the "adversities" faced to protect the PT ( Worker's Party) candidate in this election. The Federal police group mentions in the list the "access to weapons of increased lethality resulting from the legal changes carried out in 2019" among the problems to be faced throughout the electoral campaign. The document, to which Folha had access, is a request for support sent to the heads of superintendencies in states where the candidate, leader in polls of voting intentions, spent the last few days.

"The political and social context in which the security operation will be carried out is composed of, among other adversities, radicalized opponents and access to weapons of increased lethality resulting from the legal changes carried out in 2019", says an excerpt from the document, referring to the rules issued by President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) who facilitated access to weapons by the population.

The delegates also address the "death threats against the candidate and party representatives, as well as the perpetration of acts of intimidation and violence, identified before the start of the campaign, such as the attack on the caravan bus of former President Lula, targeted in May 2018 in the city of Quedas do Iguaçu and Laranjeiras do Sul/PR".

Translated by Cassy Dias

Read the article in the original language