Violence Escalates in Anti-Democratic Acts, and Authorities Investigate Terrorism in Brazil

In recent days, cases of kidnapping, assault, and sabotaging of water supply have been recorded and authorities investigate cases as terrorism

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Episodes of violence in front of barracks and on highways have escalated in recent days and rang the authorities' alert regarding anti-democratic acts led by supporters of President Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

The Prosecution service of the State of Rondônia, for example, is currently investigating the attack on a water main and classifies the case as a possible crime of terrorism.

31/10/2022 - Guarulhos- .Foto:Gabriel Cabral/Folhapress - Gabriel Cabral/Folhapress

In Santa Catarina, the PRF (Federal Highway Police) compared the format of the attacks to those of terrorists and supporters of the black bloc tactic, who preach depredation and use masks to cover their faces.

Bolsonarists demand that the Armed Forces promote a coup d'etat in order to prevent the inauguration of president-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). Bolsonaro had an unprecedented defeat for a president who was running for re-election in the country.

In one of the few public demonstrations since the election, Bolsonaro released a video in which he called for the highways to be released but stated that demonstrations in other locations were welcome.

Translated by Cassy Dias

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