The Supreme Court Headquarters after The Invasion; See Images

The building was the most vandalized during the coup-mongering attack; the main hall was reduced to a heap of chairs and dismantled furniture

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Federal Police experts needed to work over three days to deal with the trail of destruction left at the STF (Federal Supreme Court) after the coup-mongering attack on January 8th.

The building was the most damaged by coup-mongering invaders, who also vandalized the Presidential Palace and the National Congress — all located in Praça dos Tres Poderes (Three Powers Square), in Brasília.

Folha's photojournalist Pedro Ladeira followed part of the last day of work at the Federal Supreme Court, on Wednesday (11). About 50 professionals collected, since Monday (9), fingerprints and evidence that can identify the authors of the vandalism. Restorers also collected fragments of historic pieces.

The depredation reached the internal areas of the three floors of the building, designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer.

Translated by Cassy Dias

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