Minister Determines, and Federal Police Will Investigate Marielle Franco's Case

After Ministers determination, government will cooperate with the investigation of the councilor's death

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Justice Minister, Flávio Dino, has ordered the opening of an investigation at the Federal Police to expand federal collaboration in investigations into the criminal organization that killed Marielle Franco, PSOL councilor, and the driver Anderson Gomes in Rio de Janeiro, in March 2018.

By the ordinance released by the minister, police chief Guilhermo de Paula Machado Catramby was designated to act in the Federal Police inquiry.

São Paulo, SP, 1º de agosto de 2021. Government will cooperate with the investigation of the councilor's death Foto: Gustavo Simon/Folhapress - Gustavo Simon/Folhapress

"In order to expand federal collaboration with investigations into the criminal organization that perpetrated the murders of Marielle and Anderson, I have determined that an inquiry should be opened at the Federal Police. We are doing our best to help solve such crimes," said the minister.

It was decided that the Ministry of Justice, the Federal Police and the Prosecution Service of Rio de Janeiro will work in partnership with the common goal of deepening and concluding the investigations in the case.

The idea is to strengthen the already existing task force of the Rio de Janeiro State Public Prosecutor's Office, exclusively destined to investigate the actions and developments of the perpetrators of the crime.

Translated by Cassy Dias

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