7 out of 10 Women in Brazil Are Mothers; Half of them Solo

The data also pointed out that 69% of women have at least one child and that the average age of all mothers in the country is 43 years old

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A Datafolha survey revealed that 70% of women in Brazil are mothers, with half of them (55%) being single, widowed, or divorced mothers. The average age of Brazilian mothers is 43 years old.

The data are part of a survey by Datafolha, which also pointed out that 69% of women have at least one child and that the average age of all mothers in the country is 43 years.

A Datafolha survey revealed that 70% of women in Brazil are mothers, with half of them (55%) being single, widowed, or divorced mothers. The data also pointed out that 69% of women have at least one child and that the average age of all mothers in the country is 43 years old.

The study also showed that childless women are 112% more likely to have completed a degree in higher education than those who are mothers of young children. Economic disparity is also evident, with 44% of solo mothers living on up to BRL 1,212 a month, while among married mothers this rate is 21%.

Economist Cecilia Machado, professor at FGV ( Fundação Getútlio Vargas) and columnist for Folha, says that the research demonstrates the impact that cultural norms have on Brazilian society.

"All the care for children, even when shared between a couple, we know that it is never an equal division. When seeing the imbalance at the national level and in the labor market, this burden continues to fall on women", she says.

Translated by Cassy Dias

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