Brazilian Federal Supreme Court Sets Former President Collor's Sentence at 8 Years and 10 Months in Prison

The former president can still appeal; The lawsuit is derived from Operation Car Wash (Lava Jato)

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The STF ( Brazilian Federal Supreme Court) decided to apply a sentence of 8 years and 10 months in prison, in a closed initial regime to former president Fernando Collor, 73, for the crimes of passive corruption and money laundering.

He was also sentenced to 90 days of fine, each of them established at five minimum wages at the time of the latest facts pointed out in the indictment, in 2014, corrected according to inflation – an amount that could exceed R$500,000 ($ 98,000).

04.05.2022 - Fernando Collor (PTB-AL). Foto: Roque de Sá/Agência Senado - Roque de Sá/Agência Senado

The Penal Code establishes that the person convicted with a sentence of more than eight years in prison must start serving it in a closed regime. Collor, however, will only be arrested after the trial of any appeals presented by his defense team.

In addition, Collor was sentenced to pay, with the other convicts, an indemnity for collective moral damages of R$ 20 million, which is the amount they would have received in bribes.

The Federal Supreme Court's decision was taken in the seventh trial session of the lawsuit against Collor, derived from Operation Car Wash (Lava Jato).

Translated by Cassy Dias

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