Security for the 8/1 Event in Brasilia Will Involve 2,000 Police Officers

Document outlines planning and priorities for each agency on January 8

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The January 8 event will have around 2,000 police officers for the ostensive policing of the region, according to the security protocol released by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and the Government of the Federal District on Thursday (4).

The protocol stipulates the closure of part of the Esplanade of Ministries from Avenida José Sarney, the area that protects the buildings of the three branches of government.

06.07.2023 - Security for the 8/1 event in Brasilia will involve 2,000 police officers Foto: Leonardo Sá/Agência Senado - Leonardo Sá/Agência Senado

The document also predicts that the Three Powers Square will be fenced off from January 7 to 9, and camping will be prohibited in the public areas of the Esplanade of Ministries, Three Powers Square, and the Monumental and Rodoviário Axes throughout their length.

According to the Secretary of Justice and Public Security, acting minister Ricardo Cappelli, there will also be 250 National Force men protecting the Palace of Justice and will be on standby if needed.

Cappelli said there is constant monitoring, and there are no indications of new protests on January 8. He stated that he guarantees a repeat of what happened a year ago will not occur.

Read the article in the original language