Operation Reveals Relationship between Retired Brazilian Army Major and Argentine Influencer

Fernando Cerimedo conducted live streams claiming that Brazilian elections had been fraudulent

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São Paulo

One of the fronts of the decision in which Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes authorized search and seizure against the president of the PL party, Valdemar Costa Neto, mentions the live streams against the voting machines by Argentine influencer Fernando Cerimedo.

Fernando Cerimedo - Reprodução YouTube

Moraes' order also states that the investigation indicated the "existence of a relationship between retired Major Angelo Martins Denicoli and Cerimedo, in order to disseminate misinformation about the Brazilian voting system."

Shortly after Lula's victory against Jair Bolsonaro in the second round of the elections, the Argentine began conducting live streams that had a wide reach, claiming that the Brazilian elections had been fraudulent.

Some of the main arguments in the PL party's report contesting part of the voting machines used in 2022 had appeared earlier in his broadcasts.

Folha contacted the PL party directory, but there was no response at the time of publication of this report. Denicoli said he did not wish to comment.

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