Lula's Government Is Ordered to Compensate Bolsonaro and Michelle in the Case of Alvorada Furniture

Judge cites damage to the former president's image and sets $2,600 in moral damages


The 17th Federal Court of the Federal District ordered the federal government to pay R$15,000 ($ 2,600) to former President Jair Bolsonaro and former First Lady Michelle for moral damages in the episode involving the furniture of the Palácio da Alvorada, which was located after Lula's accusations against his predecessor.

SÃO PAULO - SP - BRASIL - 03-08-2024 - Michelle Bolsonaro and former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) at an event in the São Paulo Legislative Assembly. (Foto: Rafaela Araújo/Folhapress,Política) - Folhapress

The defense of the former president had claimed that the Bolsonaro couple, during the presidential term from 2019 to 2022, chose to use their personal furniture in the palace and that the furniture belonging to the federal collection was kept in storage.

Despite this, the lawyers argued, Lula repeatedly stated that the former occupants had "taken and disappeared with 83 pieces of furniture," appropriating public property.

Bolsonaro's representatives decided to sue the Union and requested R$20,000 in compensation.

According to the Constitution, it is possible to hold the government accountable for damages caused by its agents in that capacity to third parties. The Attorney General's Office will appeal the ruling.