Fernando de Noronha Will Start Freely Accepting Visitors in October

You will need to do RT-PCR testing before boarding; today, only people who once had Covid-19 can visit the archipelago

The archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (PE) began receiving tourists again earlier this month, but only those who already had Covid-19 are allowed to enter.

On Wednesday (23), the local administration announced that this will change as of October 10. Any tourist can enter the archipelago, as long as they perform an RT-PCR test for the detection of the coronavirus, one day before departure or on the same day of the trip, and have a negative result.

Fernando de Noronha (PE) - Vanessa Alves Baptista/Acervo Pessoal

The traveler must also download the Dycovid (Dynamic Contact Tracing) application and use it while on site. The tool will track possible contaminants and notify the user when there is a high-risk contact.

Another RT-PCR test will be done before leaving the archipelago, but the traveler will not be prevented from leaving Noronha if it is positive.

The use of a mask is mandatory in the archipelago's public spaces, and the tourist will also need to sign a commitment to adjust the conduct, committing to obey the health protocol.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

Read the article in the original language