White Man with Private High School and Public Higher Education Has Highest Income

Advantage remains in groups with similar education and within the same profession and indicates bottlenecks in the job market

São Paulo

Attending high school in a private school and public university, the reality of a minority of Brazilians results in higher salaries in the future. But the advantage is not proportional among all graduates of these most valued teaching modalities, points out a study by Insper.

Even among those who attended public higher education, a white man earns an average of almost 160% more than a black woman (considering the sum of self-declared blacks and browns).

Advantage remains in groups with similar education and within the same profession and indicates bottlenecks in the job market (Foto: Eduardo Knapp/Folhapress) - Folhapress

And this difference is not only linked to the choice of courses because even within the same profession, the advantage of white men remains.

Among doctors who graduated from a public university, for example, a white man earns an average of R$ 15.1 thousand, a black man R$ 10.6 thousand, a white woman R$ 6.6 thousand, and a black woman R$ 6.4 thousand.

“There is a very clear stratification: the white man wins the most, then the black man, the white woman and finally the black woman. Even within the same occupation and having attended a public university, which is highly selective, ” said Naercio Menezes Filho, one of the study authors, alongside Beatriz Ribeiro and Bruno Komatsu.

“This shows discrimination against blacks and women in accessing well-paid jobs or leading positions within those careers. Even having completed higher education does not seem to be enough to break this barrier that exists. ”

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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