33 Million People Face Hunger in Brazil, Says Survey

Situation in the country has returned to the same level as almost 30 years ago

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São Paulo

The year 2022 marks the return of food insecurity in Brazil to the same level of hunger as almost 30 years ago.

Currently, 33 million people are hungry in the country, according to the result of new research on the subject.

In 1993, there were 32 million people in this situation, according to similar data from IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research) – the Brazilian population was 35% smaller than today.

That year, sociologist Herbert de Souza launched Citizenship Action Against Hunger, Misery and for Life, the first major national campaign by civil society on the subject.

"We literally went back 30 years in the fight against hunger, which scares us a lot," says the executive director of Ação da Cidadania, Kiko Afonso.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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