Brazil's Largest Sex Worker Website Enforces Strict Rules for Its Employees

With 315 collaborators, Fatal Model seeks to combat disrespect towards prostitution from within the company

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São Paulo

The largest sex professionals search platform in Brazil and the second largest in the world, Fatal Model operates under the motto "safety, respect, and empowerment".

Headquarters office of the sex worker platform Fatal Model, located in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. - Divulgação

The company claims to work for the respect of both the escorts who advertise on the site and those seeking adult entertainment.

To avoid prejudice regarding the universe in which the company operates, the 315 employees who work at Fatal Model, headquartered in Pelotas (RS), must follow rules. During working hours, employees are not allowed to use profanity or derogatory terms, let alone make jokes related to sex.

They must also avoid complimenting colleagues, specifically regarding physical characteristics. In an interview with Folha, Fatal Model spokesperson Nina Sag, who also works as a sex professional, explains that from the selection process onwards, the company prioritizes technical skills and profile. "It is necessary to be aligned with the values of respect and safety that the company wants to convey," she says.

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