22.3% of Brazilian Youth Do Not Study or Work; Black Women Are the Largest Group

Almost half of those living in the poorest 10% of households were in this condition, says Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

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Rio de Janeiro

Brazil had 10.9 million young people aged 15 to 29 who neither studied nor were employed in 2022, according to data released on Wednesday (6) by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). This number represented 22.3% of the estimated population in this age group (48.9 million). According to IBGE, the lack of study and work primarily affects black or brown women aged 15 to 29. This group consisted of 4.7 million last year, or 43.3% of the total number of young people not engaged in educational and work activities (10.9 million). Black or brown men (2.7 million or 24.3%), white women (2.2 million or 20.1%), and white men (1.2 million or 11.4%) followed in sequence.

The data is part of the Social Indicators Synthesis. The publication analyzes statistics from sources such as the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Pnad Contínua), also produced by IBGE. The young person who neither works nor studies is often referred to as 'neither-nor' in various studies. However, IBGE avoids using this term because a portion of this group may engage in unpaid activities at home without necessarily being employed.

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