Brazil Imports 13 million Goods of Up to US$ 50 per Month

Government sees a downward trend since the creation of Remessa Conforme and analyzes taxation cautiously

Assinantes podem enviar 5 artigos por dia com acesso livre



Brazilians imported more than 13 million goods of up to US$ 50, on average, in the last three months, exempt from Import Tax. The average monthly declared value in the period is R$ 1 billion (US$ 202 million). In January alone, the declared value reached R$ 943.75 million.

The volume is significant but below the peak recorded by the Federal Revenue in November 2023, the month of Black Friday, when the tax authorities tracked 14.6 million packages at this value. During that period, the shipments totaled R$ 1.2 billion.

The customs value of the international orders contained in these declarations includes not only the price of the goods but also freight and insurance costs (if any). Last month, the average value per shipment was R$ 73.33 (equivalent to US$ 14.80 at the end of January's dollar exchange rate). The data were obtained by Folha via FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and consolidate the declarations informed by the companies that joined Remessa Conforme. The program exempts shipments of up to US$ 50 from Import Tax destined for individuals, and prioritizes these goods in customs clearance. In return, the company commits to following the rules of the Federal Revenue.

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