Clean Energy Experiences a Global and Brazilian Boom, 'Creating' 36 New Itaipu Plants

Investments in the sector are expected to amount to half of Brazil's GDP by 2030

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São Paulo

The world added 50% more capacity in clean energy generation last year compared to 2022. In total, 510 gigawatts (GW) were added, with solar photovoltaic energy accounting for three-quarters of the additions worldwide.

Hydroelectric power station Itaipu Dam, Brazil, Paraguay ( Foto: jantima / adobe stock ) - adobe stock

The 510 GW is equivalent to more than 36 new Itaipu plants, the second-largest hydroelectric plant in the world, with an installed capacity of 14 GW. The largest dam, from the Chinese Three Gorges power plant, has a capacity of 22.5 GW.

In an unprecedented race for renewable and clean energy sources (including nuclear), the next five years will see the fastest growth in the history of this market, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). The investment boom is expected to triple by 2030, the capacity of clean energy generation in 130 countries, generating an additional 3,700 GW, equivalent to 264 Itaipu plants. Solar and wind energies—the most promising in Brazil—will account for 95% of global expansion.

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