Datafolha: Sex Talk with Parents Not Usual for Most Young Brazilians

Generational differences and the chance to easily find information through other means make dialogue difficult, say experts

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Less than half of young Brazilians talk to their parents about subjects considered taboo. Those who talk to their parents about drug use are 47%, while those who talk about relationship problems with partners are 45%. If the subject is sex life, the number drops to 40%, reveals a survey by Datafolha. Subjects considered less sensitive, such as school performance, are the subject of dialogue for 67% of them, and the consumption of alcoholic beverages, 57%.

The survey also showed that women are more willing than men to talk about all the questions asked.

The biggest discrepancy is in regard to relationship problems, in which 51% against 39% of them report talking to their parents about it, followed by drug consumption, with 50% of women and 39% of men, and sex life, with 43% against 37%.

Translated by Cassy Dias

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