Winter Was The Hottest in History in 10 Brazilian Capitals

Analysis considered average temperatures recorded by the National Institute of Meteorology

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São Paulo

This year's winter recorded the highest average temperatures in history in 10 of the country's 25 capitals where measurements can be taken by Inmet (National Institute of Meteorology) stations.

Folha's analysis shows that the ten cities (Cuiabá, Manaus, Boa Vista, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Branco, Macapá, Belém, João Pessoa, and Maceió) had temperatures of 0.5°C to 3.4°C higher than in the first decade of the century.

Climate authorities consider the 3°C increase in average, not maximum, temperature in a short period of time to be concerning.

The survey used the oldest information from each station. There are capitals in which measurement has been carried out since 1961. Recife and Porto Velho were disregarded because local installations did not record winter data or collect them only for a few days.

According to experts, 2023 means another year in the increasing line of climate change.

"The combination between El Niño and global warming has led us to new records of changes in the weather pattern. They will be increasingly frequent in any part of the planet", says meteorologist Danielle Barros Ferreira, from Inmet.

Translated by Cassy Dias

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