Patients Go Blind After Cataract Surgery Campaign in Amapá

104 patients suffered eye infections after a free ophthalmic surgery campaign held on September 4th

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Carpenter Antônio Ferreira, 82, used to take pride in his independence, being able to do household and personal activities alone. But now, he can't even walk around his own house without assistance. He was one of the 104 patients who suffered eye infections after a free ophthalmic surgery campaign held on September 4th in Amapá.

Among this group, Ferreira was one of the seven severe cases that had to undergo removal of the eyeball after contracting endophthalmitis. The patient lost his right eye during treatment at the Clínica dos Olhos in Ananindeua, metropolitan region of Belém, Pará. Previously, he already had low vision in his left eye due to cataracts.

Mais Visão program in Macapá - Halanna Gama/Governo do Amapá

Ferreira contracted the hospital infection after undergoing surgery in the Mais Visão program in Macapá. In total, 141 people were attended to in this same campaign, with 104 cases experiencing postoperative complications. The activities continued until September 8th when the Public Prosecutor's Office of Amapá requested the suspension of the services after the emergence of complaints.

The third-party company Saúde Link, responsible for the procedures in the program, stated that they worked "thousand days alongside a serious team of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals so that more than 100,000 people could undergo surgery and regain their sight." "There were more than a thousand days of successful operations."

Saúde Link further informed that the patients contracted the hospital infection in a single room despite the precautions taken. The location was isolated for investigation, and after learning about the cases, the activities were suspended indefinitely.