Smoke from Fires and Pollutants Spread Across Brazil in a Month

Observatory images show how pollution increased from 8/1 to 9/9


The sequence of forest fires in various parts of Brazil is spreading a blanket of smoke with pollutants that has already spread across much of the national territory, also affecting neighboring countries.

The data comes from CAMS (Atmosphere Monitoring Service, in its English acronym) of the Copernicus Observatory, from the European Union.

Observatory images show how pollution increased from 8/1 to 9/9. - Reprodução/ MetSul Meteorologia

Images show how particulate matter produced by the fires, which generates pollution, increased significantly from August 1 to September 9.

Even regions that were not directly hit by the flames are being affected by the smoke, which spreads with the wind.

The fires, combined with the dry weather, are already influencing air quality.

From August 11 onwards, the data shows an intensification of the concentration of particulate matter. Dense smoke plumes cover a larger area of the central and northern regions of the country.

On August 31, the situation deteriorates over a wider area. The fires continue, with aerosol concentrations increasing and covering much of Brazil. Furthermore, the smoke extends to neighboring countries.