Almost 11,000 Brazilians Abroad Are Unable to Return Home Amid the Pandemic

Anac data considers only those who already had a return ticket purchased

With the closure of land and air borders enacted in several countries amid the coronavirus pandemic, thousands of Brazilian tourists found themselves without a return flight, unable to leave the hotel because of the quarantine and not knowing when they could return home.

Anac (National Civil Aviation Agency), which launched an online form to register Brazilians who had purchased tickets to return, but cannot because of restrictions, had received almost 11 thousand registrations of people in this situation by Monday, March 23.

Palácio do Itamaraty, in Brasília (DF). (Foto: Marcelo Chello/CJPress/Folhapress) - CJPress/Folhapress

The form's purpose is "to provide a diagnosis of where these people are to facilitate this process with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, airlines and aviation authorities of other countries."

Itamaraty, on the other hand, reported having 6,000 people who sought consular help for repatriation, half of whom have managed to return home so far.

Among the countries with the most Brazilians in this situation, according to the Anac register, are Portugal, Peru, Mexico, and South Africa. Where there are more tourists, they gather in WhatsApp groups, organize themselves to go to embassies or airports for information, and exchange tips on accommodation and establishments that are still open to buying food.

Itamaraty created a group to manage the crisis and says it has been negotiating with governments that have closed borders or airspace. It also states that it is assisting Brazilians who are in this situation, with special attention to cases of sick people or other more serious problems.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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