Brazilian Is Convicted of Drug Trafficking in Thailand

Arrested in February, Mary Hellen Silva was sentenced to nine years and six months in prison; lawyer says expect royal pardon

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Brazilian Mary Hellen Coelho Silva, 22, arrested for international drug trafficking in Thailand in February this year, was sentenced to nine years and six months in prison in a trial held in the Asian country on the 8th. The defense expects the Brazilian to be pardoned.

Mary Hellen Coelho Silva . Credito Reproduçao Globo News

Mary Hellen is from Pouso Alegre, southern Minas Gerais. The woman was arrested along with two other Brazilians on February 14 when they arrived at Bangkok airport with 15.5 kilos of cocaine.

According to Mary Hellen's lawyer, Kaelly Cavoli Moreira, two years were applied for possession of drugs, considered a civil crime, and seven years and six months for international trafficking, of a criminal nature. Thai legislation is known for its strict punishment of those convicted of trafficking. There is the possibility of the death penalty for this type of crime in the country.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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