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Editorial guidelines

Folha's Imprint

Folha establishes critical, non-partisan and pluralist journalism as the premise of its editorial guidelines.

These features, which guide the work of the Folha's professionals, were detailed within different editorial projects beginning back in 1981.

Since then, Folha has produced six texts which seek to translate in practice the principles that form the Folha Project as a whole.

Learn about some projects that mark important changes
1981 - Folha and some necessary steps
1984 - Folha after the direct elections campaign
1985 - New paths
1986 - Folha in pursuit of excellence
1988 - The time for reforms
1997 - Chaos in information calls for a more selective, qualified and pedagogical journalism

The New Stylebook

In order to translate its journalistic conception into rules, Folha released the General Stylebook in 1984. The wording went beyond grammar rules and language standardization. It gave journalists basic concepts on graphical production, it outlined concepts, and worked as a groundwork for everyday discussion in the Newsroom.

Following that Stylebook, a second edition, revised and expanded, came out in 1987. In 1992, Folha published the New Stylebook.

In this edition, the previsou rules became more flexible, accepting nuances, doing away with a sort of standardization regarded as too uncompromising.

As stated in its introduction, the rules in the new stylebook "bet on people's initiative and discretion, on inventiveness of solutions on a case by case basis, and on the willingness to constantly improve journalism".


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