Court Rules That Ex-President Michel Temer Must Return to Prison

Since March, Temer has benefited from habeas corpus

São Paulo

A Rio federal court ruled that former president Michel Temer must return to prison. Federal judges Abel Gomes, Paulo Espírito Santo, and Ivan Athié voted 2 to one to revoke an injunction that has kept Temer out of jail since late March.

Temer is accused of leading a criminal organization that received R$1 million in bribes from an Angra 3 nuclear plant construction contract. 

SÃO PAULO, SP, 11.04.2019 - Ex-president Michel Temer (Foto: Eduardo Knapp/Folhapress) - Folhapress

The panel of judges decided to maintain the habeas corpus conceded to ex-minister Moreira Franco (MDB). But colonel João Baptista Lima Filho must return to prison. 

Federal judge Caroline Figueiredo, who is substituting judge Marcelo Bretas, will decide where Temer and colonel Lima will be imprisoned. 

Temer’s lawyer, Eduardo Carnelós, told journalists that his client plans to turn himself in on Thursday. He said that he lamented the decision but will respect it. The defense can still appeal to the STJ (Superior Court of Justice).

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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