Bolsonaro Secretary Earns Money from Government Contractors

Fabio Wajngarten's communication company receives money from TV and agencies; Leaf lies, says secretary


Fabio Wajngarten, head of Secom (Secretariat of Social Communication of the Presidency of the Republic), receives, through a company of which he is a partner, money from TV stations and agencies contracted by the secretariat itself and other Bolsonaro government agencies.

Secom, responsible for distributing Planalto's advertising budget, spent R$ 197 million on campaigns in 2019. Wajngarten took over the portfolio in April and remained a majority partner of FW Comunicação e-Marketing, reported Fábio Fabrini and Julio Wiziack.

Fabio Wajngarten, head of Secom (Foto: Pedro Ladeira/Folhapress) - Folhapress

FW has a contract with at least five companies that receive money from the government, such as Band and Record. The Conflict of Interest Law (12.813 / 2013) prohibits the member of the executive summit from having business with an individual or legal entity that may be affected by their decisions.

Wajngarten confirmed the contracts with the broadcasters. He said that they are old and that the fact does not configure "no conflict" with their function. He also stated that he had departed from FW management, handed over to Fabio Liberman - brother of Samy Liberman, his direct advisor in Brasilia.

After the story was published yesterday, Secom stated that Folha lies, publishes bad journalism, and ignores law 8.112 / 90, which would suffice for the occupant of public office to leave the administration of his company. It does not cite the Conflict of Interest Act.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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