Brazil Registers 1,338 Femicide Deaths in the Pandemic, with A Strong Increase in the North and Midwest

Data Consolidation 2020 shows 2% growth in the country, compared to 2019

Ranier Bragan

Brazil officially registered in 2020, the death of 1,338 women due to their gender condition, murders committed mainly by partners, ex-partners, or alleged partners.

Consolidated data last year, which had 10 of its 12 months under the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic, were collected by Folha in the Public Security secretariats of the 26 states and the Federal District.

In relation to 2019 there was a rise of 2%, but violence against women grew at more alarming levels in the Midwest (14%) and North (37%). Northeast (+3%) and Southeast (-3%) presented small variations. In the South, there was a drop of 14%.

According to updated data, the numbers show that violence against women has been on an upward trajectory —femicide grew 8% from 2018 to 2019, according to updated data— despite the tightening of legislation in recent years.

Experts interviewed by Folha defend, among other points, a robust and continued action to address gender issues in schools and the improvement of the information collection system.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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