Senate Wants to Investigate Purchase of Covid Tests and Bolsonaro Government Leader

Summit provides private session for a whistleblower who also reported irregularities in the acquisition of the Covaxin vaccine


The Senate Covid CPI will investigate irregularities in the purchase of coronavirus detection tests and wants to summon testimony to bring details of the actions of the government leader in the Congress, Ricardo Barros (PP-PR), in an alleged corruption scheme.

Barros is alleged to have been behind the suspicious negotiations to buy the Indian vaccine Covaxin, according to congressman Luis Miranda. Brother of the health worker Luis Ricardo Miranda, he told Folha that there were irregularities in the purchase of Covid tests, and that this may be part of a broader scheme of corruption in Bolsonaro’s Ministry of Health.

Luis Ricardo, head of the folder's import department, will be called on again to testify about the alleged irregularities.

According to the Miranda brothers, the president was informed of the suspicions and did not act.

On Monday (28), the vice president of the CPI, Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP), and two other senators filed a criminal report with the Federal Supreme Court against Bolsonaro for malfeasance.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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