Education of The Poorest Soars, but Economic Crisis Destroys Income

In ten years, the effort of the lower class has not been rewarded and misery has increased

Reached to its end by the coronavirus pandemic, the worst decade on record in Brazilian economic history interrupted a long trajectory of poverty reduction and exposed the trap that keeps Brazil poor and unequal.

In the last ten years, despite a significant increase of 27% in the years of schooling (from 6.4 to 8.1) of the population in the poorest half, the income from work in this portion dropped 26.2%.

The paradox explains the centrality of economic growth in reducing poverty, since education is seen as the main source of individual income increase. With a lower evolution in education, the richest 50% kept their income unchanged or earned more, according to data from the FGV Social based on the PNADC (National Survey by Continuous Household Sample).​

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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