Oil Reaches Tourist Attractions in Bahia and Alagoas

Northeastern coast has suffered for the last month and a half from oil slicks who origins are unknown


The oil that reached Northeast beaches 45 days ago arrived on Thursday (17) to Todos-os-Santos Bay, the largest bay in Brazil and the second-largest in the world.

Pojuca river, in Praia do Forte (BA) - Divulgação

Oil stains were identified on the sand strip and on rocks and corals on the beaches of Jaburu, Tairu and Cacha Pregos, in the municipality of Vera Cruz, on Itaparica Island.

Fishermen who live in neighboring villages use the beaches.

The advance of oil in the bay worries environmentalists and authorities, as the region is full of mangroves that are a nursery of marine species. Also in the bay flows one of the most important rivers of Bahia, the Paraguaçu.

The spots also arrived on Wednesday (16) to Maragogi beach, on the north coast of Alagoas. To date, 25 sites in the state have been affected.

Alagoas was the fourth state in the Northeast to be hit by oil. The first beach affected in the region, on September 7, was Japaratinga, which was again hit by spots at two different points also on Wednesday, according to information from Ibama. 

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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