One Health Professional Is Infected with Coronavirus Every Minute in Brazil

According to the Ministry of Health, nursing technicians, nurses and doctors are most affected


In Brazil, a health professional is infected with the novel coronavirus every minute. There are 258,190 health workers with Covid-19, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

The most affected professionals are nursing technicians, with 88,898 cases, followed by nurses (37,689 confirmations) and doctors (27,767). There were also12,545 health agents and 11,097 receptionists from health units contaminated. Also, the country recorded 226 deaths - 87 nursing technicians and assistants, 49 doctors, and 36 nurses.

The doctor Júlia Rocha. Crédito: Claudia Collucci

"We regret the death of all these professionals who were at the front," said Mayra Pinheiro, secretary of Labor Management and Health Education.

The Ministry of Health also announced that 1,004,324 professionals were registered to work on the Brasil Conta Comigo project, aiming to increase the number of health professionals serving the victims of Covid-19.

However, only 468 professionals were recruited by the federal government to work. They were distributed in three states: Amazonas, Amapá, and Roraima.

Among the professionals are doctors, nurses, nursing technicians, physiotherapists, pharmacists, and biomedists.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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