Deaths in the Transplant Waitlist Grow 44% in the Pandemic

Number of procedures from April to June falls 61% compared to the beginning of the year and reverses a promising scenario

São Paulo

From April to June this year, Brazil performed less than half of organ and tissue transplants in early 2020. With the decrease of 61% in procedures, the number of deaths of patients registered in the waiting list increased by 44.5%.

The numbers led the Brazilian Transplant Association (ABTO) to project a drop in donations and transplants that had never been seen in the year, in contrast to a scenario that had been promising until then. In the account are heart, liver, pancreas, lung, kidney, cornea, and marrow.

INCOR (Heart's Institute) in São Paulo (Foto: Lalo de Almeida/ Folhapress) - Folhapress

When comparing the first half of 2020 and that of 2019, the decrease in total transplants was 32%, and the increase in deaths was 34%. If the country continues at this pace, the year could bring a 20.5% drop in procedures, a mark of nine years ago.

The pandemic caused the following: the disposal of infected organs; an increase in family denial so that the loved ones could be buried quickly; a contraindication to perform the procedure in cases where the recipient could wait; and even a lack of air logistics.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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