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An Exemplary Case

11/29/2016 - 13h01



The first tear was an exclusive newspaper story that was highlighted in a headline in Folha on Saturday the 10th of November: "Minister accuses Temer's strong man upon leaving Culture ministry".

The final unravelling of the engendered crisis was highlighted in the headline this Saturday (the 26th): "Geddel falls and Temer loses 6th minister in 6 months".

Minister Geddel Vieira Lima (Secretary of the Government), pressured Marcelo Calero, his colleague at the time at the Cultural Ministry, for help in freeing up the construction of a building in which he and his relatives were apartment owners.

The building is located in a historical and protected region in Salvador. Iphan, an organ of the Cultural Ministry responsible for historical and cultural heritage properties, hadn't licensed the construction.

From beginning to end, the Geddel case is a typical example of abuse of authority. But it is a rare example these days of quality investigative journalism conducted in the heat from events that are taking place.

Independent didactic research conducted with balance and persistence. A commendable combination of elements in the effort conducted by Folha.

The news of the Cultural Minister's resignation, revealed by Folha on its site in the early evening of the 18th, was followed by an interview with Natuza Nery and Paulo Gama, in which Marcelo Calero reiterated his accusations against Geddel, which were published in the headline story on Saturday, the 19th.

On the same day, the newspaper "O Estado de S. Paulo" said that it had discovered that Calero's fall was due to a project transforming a rodeo into immaterial heritage.

This was the ill-fated official version. The Planalto Palace did everything possible to play down and even ridicule the case.

On the 20th, Matheus Magenta and Paula Gama revealed that partners of the minister had a connection to the construction company and would benefit from the freeing up of the project.

A firm belonging to Geddel's nephew was representing the company in a legal action.

An article on the 21st showed that the maneuvering went beyond tolerable limits in Bahia.

João Pedro Pitombo and Fábio Zanini pointed out that one of the first measures considered by the Temer government - the creation of the National Secretary for Historical Heritage - essentially eliminated Iphan.

Even worse: Folha discovered that Geddel was planning to appoint as secretary the former president of the organ in Bahia, who had authorized the construction in 2014 of the infamous La Vue building. A decision which was subsequently overturned by the national Iphan organization.

Geddel's shady interest became clearer in Wednesday's (23rd) edition. The headline was based on new reporting by Magenta and Pitombo revealing that Geddel's relatives (one of them his partner) were legally representing the building in the case with Iphan.

Ueslei Marcelino/Reuters
Geddel smiling next to Jovair Arantes (right), Genecias Noronha (left) and Pedro Chaves (in the distance)
Geddel smiling next to Jovair Arantes (right), Genecias Noronha (left) and Pedro Chaves (in the distance)

On the same day, the newspaper "O Globo" published that the "Planalto Palace and allies in
Congress had decided to consider the subject closed and were setting up a front to defend the minister".

The final straw would come from an editorial in Folha. A former Cultural minister had given testimony to the Federal Police accusing President Michel Temer and Minister Eliseu Padilha of trying to frame him in looking for a solution to the problem.

The government reacted and initiated an operation to discredit Calero. It didn't work. The Minister of the Secretary of the Government ended up resigning.

The newspaper also showed restraint. It wasn't a lynching. The day after the interview with Calero, Geddel's version of events occupied the opening page of "Politics news" section and was featured in a headline in the paper ("Geddel admits to having a conversation with Calero, but denies pressuring him").

The only caveat was Folha's decision to not publish an emblematic image revealing the arrogance and certainty of impunity on the part of Geddel and his allies: a photo that was published on the cover of "O Globo" and "O Estado de S. Paulo", and reproduced above.

The series of exclusive reports involved at least ten professionals - from São Paulo, Brasília and Salvador - a rare example of coordination and cooperation with concrete results, critical for these times with reduced teams of professionals.

Folha doesn't have as a goal - and shouldn't have - the bringing down of ministers or presidents, even though there are many who think that it does.

I don't consider this to be a moment for commemoration. Until now, the country has had ministers who were untouchable - due to their smooth slick maneuverings

The primordial function of a newspaper is to investigate power, to follow, uncover and hold accountable those who hold public office. This has been a healthy example. Readers want more. They deserve to get them.

Translated by LLOYD HARDER

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