Brazil's Attorney General Launches Marielle Franco Investigation on Last Day in Office

Raquel Dodge told the Superior Court (STJ) that five people are suspected of interfering with investigations into the murder


On her last day in office, Attorney General Raquel Dodge requested a federal investigation into the murder of Councilwoman Marielle Franco (PSOL) and her driver, Anderson Gomes. She told the Superior Court (STJ) that five people are suspected of interfering with investigations into the murder. The goal, she said, was to prevent the identification of the real perpetrators of the crime.

Domingos Inácio Brazão, a now-removed board member of Rio de Janeiro Auditors Court, is among the accused.

Raquel Dodge, in Brasília (DF). (Foto: Pedro Ladeira/Folhapress) - Folhapress

Dodge requested an investigation find out if he was the mastermind of the double homicide.

A federal police investigation shared with the Attorney General's Office this month says, based on statements and interceptions of messages, that Brazão is the main suspect to be the mastermind of the murders.

He is allegedly connected with the "Crime Office" militiamen. This group of hired killers wanted the councilwoman dead.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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