Homemade Bomb Explodes Public Lula Event in Downtown Rio

There were no injuries; Stage had strong security

Assinantes podem enviar 5 artigos por dia com acesso livre


An event with supporters of former President Lula (PT) at Cinelândia, in downtown Rio de Janeiro, had moments of tension on Thursday night (7), with the explosion of a homemade bomb next to the stage.

The bomb was dropped outside the isolated area in front of the stage, over the metal plates surrounding the space.

RIO DE JANEIRO, RJ, BRASIL, 07-07-2022: Homemade bomb explodes public Lula event in downtown Rio. (Foto: Eduardo Anizelli/ Folhapress, POLÍTICA) - Eduardo Anizelli

The explosion occurred next to the chemical toilets and was followed by a foul smell over the area. Participants ran away from the area where the artifact was thrown, which was emptier than the center of the square.

Soon after, shouts were made against President Jair Bolsonaro (PL). The explosion occurred before Lula arrived at the scene.

Cinelândia housed, under tight security, the PT's first public event since the official launch of his pre-candidacy for the Presidency.

In recent weeks, Lula's campaign has been the target of other attacks, including a siege of his car in Campinas (interior of SP) and a drone episode in Minas Gerais.

Translated by Kiratiana Freelon

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