Electoral Justice Vetoes Gun Carrying around Voting Sites in Brazil

Restriction will apply from 48 hours prior to the elections till the day after

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The TSE (Supreme Electoral Court) has decided to ban the carrying of weapons near voting sites on election days, from the 48 hours prior to the event until the day following it.

During this period, civilians and military personnel won't be allowed to carry weapons within a 100-meter radius of the voting stations and on properties being used by the Electoral Justice.

Only agents on duty and authorized by an electoral authority, such as presiding officers, are exceptions and may carry firearms.

The court had already ruled that the "armed force will remain within 100 meters" of the voting station on election day, but has decided to make it clear that even police officers, CACs (hunters, shooters and collectors) or anyone else with a permit to handle weapons will not be allowed to use the equipment during this period.

The Justices have also extended the restriction to the period of voting preparation and the date following the election.

President Jair Bolsonaro relaxed the rules on access to weapons and ammunition and weakened the mechanisms of control and inspection of warfare articles. With the population more armed, the Electoral Justice fears more violence during voting days.

Translated by Cassy Dias

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