Court of Accounts Questions Militaries about Ballot Box Checking

The Federal Court of accounts asks if the Ministry of Defense wants to compare data with election results

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The TCU (Federal Court of Accounts) sent this Wednesday (21) to the Ministry of Defense a series of questions regarding the parallel checking of the ballot boxes that the ministry intends to do in this year's elections.

The questions sent by the Court of Accounts to the Ministry of Defense were made through an official letter sent by the Court's General Secretary for External Control, Dione Mary de Cerqueira Barbosa. In the document, she asks the Ministry of Defense to clarify whether they will actually check paper ballots, the criteria that will be used, and what the ministry's goal is with the parallel check.

The official letter asks, for example, if the intention is to compare the result of the poll with the score of the election. It also asks if in case of discrepancies between the checked data and those of the TSE (Supreme Electoral Court), which tests will be carried out by the Armed Forces to double-check the information.

The Armed Forces intend to verify the total number of votes from 385 ballot boxes on October 2nd, with the goal of checking if they correspond to those that will be relayed to the TSE ( Supreme Electoral Court) system. Faced with the news about the Defense plan, the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) also decided to carry out the investigation, however, based on the ballots of 4,161 ballot boxes in the 26 states and the Federal District.

Translated by Cassy Dias

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