Lula Compares Bolsonaro's September 7th to a Ku Klux Klan Meeting

PT candidate participates in a rally in Baixada Fluminense and says the president 'stole Independence Day from the Brazilian people

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Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) compared the Bolsonarista acts on September 7 to a meeting of the Ku Klux Kan, the American group of white supremacists that preaches the inferiority of black people.

"Bolsonaro's act looked like a Ku Klux Klan meeting, the only thing missing was the hood," Lula said at a rally in Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, this Thursday (8).

Rio de Janeiro, RJ - 08/09.2022. Lula, at a rally in Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, this Thursday (8) (Foto Marlene Bergamo / Folhapress) - Folhapress

According to the PT candidate, there were no blacks, no browns, no poor people, and no workers in the events that brought together thousands of Brazilians on Wednesday (7).

"The main character was the old man from Havan", he said about the owner of Havan, Luciano Hang, one of the targets of the operation by Federal Police against Bolsonarista businessmen. Lula said that Hang would be like Louro José, the parrot puppet of local TV presenter Ana Maria Braga, actively participating in the reelection campaign of President Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

The PT candidate also stated that his biggest opponent in this election "stole Independence Day from the Brazilian people", with celebrations that went beyond the civic celebration and slipped into an electoral platform. "He took over, in the most shameful manner, a day that belongs to 215 million Brazilians, not only to him."

At another moment, the Workers Party member referred to his rival by the pejorative nickname of Bozo. "Do you know who voted against labor rights for maids? The current Bozo, who is the president of the country."

Sociologist Rosângela da Silva, aka Janja, Lula's wife, mocked a speech in which Bolsonaro called his wife, Michelle, a princess, and urged the audience at the September 7 act to compare first ladies — shortly before saying "imbrochável" ( 'extremely virile man who never loses an erection')***

"I would like everyone to turn on the lights of your cell phones to see if there are any princesses here", provoked Janja, and then continued: "No, there aren't. There are only fighting women here".

Translated by Cassy Dias

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