Bolsonaro Gathers Thousands in São Paulo Rally, Denies Coup Plot, and Calls for Pacification

Governors attend rally in support of the former president

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In a rally aimed at responding to investigations he is facing, former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) gathered thousands of supporters on Avenida Paulista in São Paulo and delivered a speech in which he restrained aggression against the Supreme Federal Court.

Standing on a truck stage alongside allies such as Governor Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicanos) and Mayor Ricardo Nunes (MDB), he said he sought to pacify the country and called for amnesty for those imprisoned in the coup attack on January 8, 2023.

SÃO PAULO, SP - 25.02.2024 - Bolsonaro draws thousands to São Paulo Rally (Foto: Danilo Verpa/Folhapress, PODER) - Folhapress

Bolsonaro complained about the Superior Electoral Court, for being ineligible, and the "abuse by some that brings insecurity to all of us." He criticized the Lula government (PT) without mentioning the president's name.

He denied involvement in a coup plot. "What is a coup? Tanks in the streets, arms, conspiracy. None of that was done in Brazil," he said. "Now the coup is because there is a draft decree for a state of defense. A coup using the Constitution? Have patience."

Like many supporters, Bolsonaro displayed an Israeli flag. Also present were Governors Romeu Zema (MG), Jorginho Mello (SC), and Ronaldo Caiado (GO).

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