São Paulo State Has 143 Cracolandias, Points Out Local Management

The administration of Governor Tarcísio de Freitas does not detail locations or the number of people

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São Paulo

The administration of Governor Tarcísio de Freitas has found 143 cracolândias (regions with high incidences of drug trafficking and drug use) spread across the state of São Paulo. Cracolandia [Crackland] refers to urban areas characterized by the concentration of crack cocaine consumption and trafficking.

The information is contained in the 2024-2027 Multi-Year Plan sent to Alesp (Legislative Assembly) in August and its source is the Department of Public Security. The text does not detail where they are located or what size each one is.

Cracolândia, in São Paulo - Reuters

Currently, the cracolândia located in the Santa Ifigênia neighborhood, in downtown São Paulo, has become a powder keg, with death, robberies, and protests. Around a thousand drug addicts frequent the region.

According to the document, the intention is to reduce the number of cracolândias gradually throughout the administration. There would be 129 points of drug use in 2024, 116 in 2025, and 104 in 2026, the last year of Tarcísio's administration.

The state government's Communication Department stated that the administration has been working to combat drug trafficking, reduce open scenes of use, and offer a viable outlet for drug addicts throughout the state.

Translated by Cassy Dias

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