Sao Paulo University Students Emulate Protests from the US in Acts against War in Gaza

Camp gathers protesters who support Palestine

Assinantes podem enviar 7 artigos por dia com acesso livre


São Paulo

Dozens of students from the University of São Paulo began a camp on Tuesday (7) in support of the Palestinian cause and against Israel's attacks in the Gaza Strip.

The protest, the first of its kind at a major educational institution in Brazil, follows similar initiatives that began in the US.

Students at a pro-Palestine rally at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters, and Human Sciences at USP. - Renan Marra/Folhapress

The students set up tents in the courtyard of the Geography and History building, at FFLCH (Faculty of Philosophy, Letters, and Human Sciences).

The protesters hung Palestinian flags at the university and shouted words against Israel and against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "State of Israel, assassin state. Long live the struggle of the Palestinian people!" and "Netanyahu war criminal, your time will come" were some of the phrases.

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