São Paulo, domingo, 15 de janeiro de 1995
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More pleasant adventures


The first year was like icing.
Then the cake started to show through.
Which was fine, too, except you forget the direction
/you're taking.
Suddenly you are interested in some new thing
And can't tell how you got here. Then there is
Even out of happiness, like a smoke–
The words get heavy, some topple over, you break
And outlines disappear once again.

Heck, it's anybody's story,
A sentimental journey –"gonna take a sentimental
And we do, but you wake up under the table of a
You are that dream, and it is the seventh layer of you.
We haven't moved an inch, and everything has
We are somewhere near a tennis court at night.
We get lost in life, but life knows where we are.
We can always be found with our associates.
Haven't you always wanted to curl up like a dog and
/go to sleep like a dog?

In the rash of partings and dyings (the new twist),
There's also room for breaking out of living.
Whatever happens will be quite ingenious.
No acre but will resume being disputed now,
And paintings are one thing we never seem
/to run out of.

Texto Anterior: Mais agradáveis aventuras
Próximo Texto: Dias de 1941 e '44

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