São Paulo, quarta-feira, 06 de dezembro de 2000

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"30 Years to Life", de Vanessa Middleton
"American Astronaut", de Cory McAbee
"The Believer", de Henry Bean
"The Business of Strangers", de Patrick Stettner
"The Deep End", de Scott McGehee e David Siegel
"Donnie Darko", de Richard Kelly
"Green Dragon", de Timothy Linh Bui
"Hedwig and the Angry Inch", de John Cameron Mitchell
"In the Bedroom", de Todd Field
"L.I.E.", de Michael Cuesta
"Lift", de DeMane Davis e Khari Streeter
"MacArthur Park", de Billy Wirth
"Memento", de Christopher Nolan
"Scotland", de Billy Morrissette
"The Sleepy Time Gal", de Christopher Munch
"Some Body", de Henry Barrial
Documentários "Chain Camera", de Kirby Dick
"Children Underground", de Edet Belzberg
"Dogtown and the Z-boys", de Stacy Peralta
"The Endurance: Shackleton's Legendary Antartic", de George Butler
" Go Tigers!", de Kenneth A. Carlson
"Home Movie", de Chris Smith
"Lalee's Kin: The Legacy of Cotton", de Susan Froemke, Deborah Dickson e Albert Maysles
"Marcus Garvey: Look for me in the Whirlwind", de Stanley Nelson
"The Natural History of the Chicken", de Mark Lewis
"Ralph Bunche: An American Odyssey", de William Greaves
"Scout's Honor", de Tom Shepard
"Scratch", de Doug Pray
"Southern Comfort", de Kate Davis
"Start Up.com", de Chris Hegedus e Jehane Noujaim
"Trembling Before G-D", de Sandi Simcha Dubowski
"An Unfinished Symphony", de Bestor Cram e Mike Majoros
American Spectrum "Acts of Worship", de Rosemary Rodriguez
"After Image", de Robert Manganelli
"Dancing in September", de Reggie Rock Bythewood
"Diary of a City Priest", de Eugene Martin
"The Doe Boy", de Randy Redroad
"Haiku Tunnel", de Jacob Kornbluth & Josh Kornbluth
"Invisible Revolution", de Beverly Peterson
"Jump Tomorrow", de Joel Hopkins
"Manic", de Jordan Melamed
"Margarita Happy Hour", de Ilya Chaiken
"Miss Wonton", de Meng Ong
"Raw Deal: A Question of Consent", de Billy Corben

Texto Anterior: Cinema: Sundance anuncia concorrentes de 2001
Próximo Texto: Personalidades: Sociedade carioca faz festa para ilustres

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