São Paulo, domingo, 26 de novembro de 2000

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Sonnet to Liberty

Not that I love thy children, whose dull eyes
See nothing save their own unlovely woe,
Whose minds know nothing, nothing care to know,
But that the roar of thy Democracies,
Thy reigns of Terror, thy great Anarchies,
Mirror my wildest passions like the sea
And give my rage a brother Liberty!
For thy sake only do thy dissonant cries
Delight my discreet soul, else might all king
By bloody knout or treacherous cannonades
Rob nations of their rights inviolate
And I remain unmoved and yet, and yet,
These Christs that die upon the barricades,
God knows it I am with them, in some things.


Texto Anterior: Versos em negativo
Próximo Texto: Soneto à Liberdade

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