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Approval of Temer Administration Falls to 7%, the Lowest Rate in 28 Years, Datafolha Survey Shows

06/26/2017 - 08h53



The Michel Temer (PMDB) administration is considered very good or good by only 7% of the Brazilian people, the lowest number registered by Datafolha in 28 years. Only the José Sarney (PMDB) administration had a lower approval, reaching 5% in September 1989, amid Brazil's hyperinflation crisis.

Since the plea bargain signed by JBS, the world's biggest meatpacking company, became public, the president's name has been at the center of Brazil's current political crisis, sending Temer's popularity plunging. His administration is considered bad or very bad by 69% of the country's voters, and regular by 23%.

In the comparison with the numbers of September 1989, the Sarney administration reached 68% of bad evaluations while 24% of the people considered it regular.

Temer's situation is worse than that of former president Dilma Rousseff (PT) shortly before she was impeached. In April 2016, Rousseff had a 13% approval and 63% disapproval.

Datafolha's record shows that, in addition to Sarney, only former president Fernando Collor (PTC) had negative evaluations as bad as Rousseff and Temer, as the number of voters who believed his administration was bad or very bad reached 68% in September 1992 before he was impeached.

The new Datafolha survey held between June 21 and June 23 interviewed 2,771 people and shows that Temer's approval is declining. The margin of error was 2 percent.

Two months ago, the number of Brazilians who said Temer's administration was bad or very bad reached 61% while 9% said it was good or very good. Twenty-eight percent said it was regular at the end of April. The president's score fell from 3 to 2.7.

Seventy-six percent of those questioned said Temer should resign. Twenty percent of voters are against the president's resignation and 4% did not answer.

Translated by THOMAS MUELLO

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Beto Barata - 25.jun.2017/PR
Brazilian President Michel Temer
Brazilian President Michel Temer

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