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Trump Serves As an Example, Says Congressman Bolsonaro While in the United States

10/10/2017 - 10h58



"Trump serves as an example for me", said Presidential pre-candidate and congressman Jair Bolsonaro (PSC Party) during a trip to the United States this week.

"I realize that there is a great distance between myself and Trump, but I plan to get closer to him for the good of both Brazil and the United States. We can take his examples from here back to Brazil."

Bolsonaro, who praised the presence of American flags on the streets, even made an effort to mirror the patriotism of the American president, saying that he plans to "put kids singing the National Anthem" in schools throughout the country and "put an end to the indoctrination of sexualization of children" in Brazilian public education.

Bolsonaro, who avoided referring as a dictatorship the "period of military presidents" would only say that "there were excesses, because during wars innocents die", and promised to nominate a military official as Minister of Defense and said that he would invite other members of the Armed Forces to be a part of his government.

During three hours of conversation with religious figures in Massachusetts, the congressman commented on his visit to a shooting club during his trip and defended the legal possession and carrying of weapons in Brazil, following the example of the United States, even under the shadow of the massacre in Las Vegas.

"What happened here was fateful", he said. "But in Brazil, the only people with guns are low life. You aren't able to have peace at home. The people cry out for security, for the right to have guns within their homes. Those who wish to commit insane acts will do so. An unarmed population is a manipulated one."

Translated by LLOYD HARDER

Read the article in the original language

Silas Marti/Folhapress
Presidential pre-candidate and congressman Jair Bolsonaro (PSC Party)
Presidential pre-candidate and congressman Jair Bolsonaro (PSC Party)

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