São Paulo, domingo, 15 de janeiro de 1995
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Em tempos de peste


em que a gente pudesse relaxar
e perder nossas diferenças. Procuro
penetrar em suas mentes: serei um louco,
e eles corretos e caretas, apropriadamente
se testando contra riscos,
como os humanos devem, e fazem,
ou serão eles loucos também, suas faces ligadas
meras mortes glamourosamente iluminadas?
Peso as possibilidades
até ficar com medo da força
evidente saúde deles.
São impacientes pelo menos com minha dúvida
e então, primeiro um, depois o outro,
eles se afastam dentro do tráfego flutuante
/de pessoas
agitado e brilhante.
trazendo nas faces e pelo corpo todo
notícias da vida e da morte.


In time of plague

My thoughts are crowded with death
and it draws so oddly on the sexual
that I am confused
confused to be attracted
by, in effect, my own annihilation.
Who are these two, these fiercely attractive men
who want me to stick their needle in my arm?
They tell me they are called Brad and John,
one from here, one from Denver, sitting the same
on the bench as they talk to me,
their legs spread apart, their eyes attentive.
I love their daring, their looks, their jargon,
and what they have in mind.

Their mind is the mind of death.
They know it, and do not know it,
and they are like me in that
(I know it, and I do not know it)
and like the flow of people through this bar.
Brad and John thrist heroically together
for euphoria –for a state of ardent life
in which we could all stretch ourselves
and lose our differences. I seek
to enter their minds: am I a fool,
and they direct and right, properly
testing themselves againts risk,
as a human must, and does,
or are they the fools, their alert faces
mere deaths heads lighted glamorously?
I weigh possibilities
till I am afraid of the strength
of my own health
and of their evident health.
They get restless at last with my indecisiveness
and so, first one, and then the other,
move off into the moving concourse of people
who are boisterous and bright
carrying in their faces and throughout their bodies
the news of life and death.

De: "Undesirables" (1988)

Texto Anterior: O amor nos tempos da Aids
Próximo Texto: Um caso singular da poesia italiana atual

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