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Folha History

Lalo de Almeida/Folha Imagem
Youngster reads Folha next to his son on the lawn of Ibirapuera Park, in São Paulo
Youngster reads Folha next to his son on the lawn of Ibirapuera Park, in São Paulo


On February 19, Olival Costa and Pedro Cunha founded the "Folha da Noite" newspaper. In July 1925, "Folha da Manhã" - the morning edition of "Folha da Noite" - was established. "Folha da Tarde" was founded 24 years later.


On January 1st, the three company titles ("Folha da Manhã", "Folha da Tarde" and "Folha da Noite") merged, giving rise to Folha de S.Paulo newspaper.


Octavio Frias de Oliveira and Carlos Caldeira Filho acquired the share control in the Folha da Manhã company.


The newspaper was a pioneer in offset color printing, employed in large scale pressrun for the first time ever in Brazil. In 1971, Folha abandoned the lead composition and became the first newspaper to use the electronic photocomposition system.


The section "Tendências/Debates" ("Trends and Debates") was created, governed by the principle of pluralism. Publishing articles of all ideological hues, it played a major role in the redemocratization of Brazil.


In June, an internal document was released in a first attempt to systematize an editorial project. The text defined three goals: correct information, competent interpretation and pluralism of opinions.


With the installation of computer terminals, Folha became the first fully computerized Newsroom in South America. The newspaper began to save 40 minutes in the production.


The first Editorial Project was published, advocating critical, pluralist, non-partisan and modern journalism. In that same year, Folha released the Stylebook, published as a book.


News was reassembled in topical sections. Folha was the first Brazilian media to demand the impeachment of President Fernando Collor de Mello, who eventually resigned in the following year.
The Front Page began being published in color everyday.


Businessman Octavio Frias de Oliveira eventually bought the remaining interest in the company. Folha consolidated its position as the newspaper with the highest paid Sunday circulation (average of 522,215 copies).


With the launch of "Atlas Folha/The New York Times", which came as installments, Folha hit a record in pressrun and sales in the history of newspaper and magazine in Brazil on the launch day (1,117,802 copies) and in subsequent weeks.


The Folha's Technological Graphic Center started up, in Tamboré. The newspaper began having most pages in color.


The Folha Group launched Universo Online, the first large-scale online service in Brazil. In that same year, Universo Online and Brasil Online, of the Grupo Abril, merged, giving rise to Universo Online S.A.


The newspaper released the most recent version of its editorial project, which included a throrough screening of facts to be dealt with journalistically, a deep, critical and pluralist approach, and a plain and interesting text.


The fourth version of the new Stylebook was launched, a revised and more expanded version based on the previous editions (published in 1984, 1987 and 1992).


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